Shift from Dieting to Nourishing &
Effortlessly Get to Your Feel-Good Weight


5-Day Challenge


If you’re a woman trying to lose weight, you’re probably familiar with diet tango…

Endless calorie counting, the joy of food replaced by guilt and frustration. The cycle leaves us exhausted, defeated, and frankly, resentful of our own bodies. 

Play Video about quit diets

What if there was a better way?

What if the key to feeling vibrant, confident, and truly healthy wasn’t about restriction, but about reconnection? Reconnection with your body, its wisdom, and its innate ability to guide you toward optimal health.

This isn't a diet.
This is a 5-day journey to reconnect with your inner health compass, the intuitive wisdom within you that knows exactly what your body needs to thrive.
With me, Alana as your guide.

food as medicine- tomato


Waking up energetic and empowered, not weighed down by guilt or deprivation.

Waking up energetic and empowered, not weighed down by guilt or deprivation.

Cultivating a peaceful relationship with your body, free from self-judgment and shame.​

This 5-day challenge is for you if:

You're tired of calorie counting and yo-yo dieting.

You Want To Make Peace With Food And Your Body.​

You desire a positive, sustainable path to well-being​

Inside The
5-Day Challenge

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Here's a glimpse into your roadmap:

The 5-Days

Day 1 Breaking Free from Diet Chains:
I expose the hidden traps of diets and show you why they haven’t worked (and never will!). Get ready to shed outdated beliefs and embrace a fresh perspective on health.

Day 2 Rewriting Your Food Story:
Here we let go of the restrictive rules and rediscover the joy of food! Forget “don’t eat after 6” and “carbs are the enemy” by unlearning harmful myths and empowering you to listen to your body’s wisdom.

Day 3 Beyond the Food Battlefield:
Ditch the inner critic and learn to navigate your plate with peace, not pressure. We’ll unveil the mindfulness tools to make every bite a celebration, free from guilt and shame. Get ready to rediscover the joy of eating without judgment.

Day 4 Mastering Mindful Meals in a Busy World: Learn how to make every bite count, even when time is tight. with simple yet powerful techniques to slow down, savor, and truly connect with your food.

Day 5 Beyond Willpower:
Willpower isn’t the magic bullet… and you have something far more powerful: your intuition! Today we go tap into understanding the root causes of your food struggles and develop the confidence to navigate even the trickiest moments without relying on willpower.

Start today for
49 euros

it's time to ask yourself

will you keep chasing the diet illusion or tap into your inner wisdom?

Picture waking up radiating confidence, enjoying food fearlessly, and trusting your body. This challenge isn’t just about weight loss, it’s about rediscovering yourself. Don’t miss out claim yours now!

If so, then...

Click here to join the 5-Day Challenge to invest in your future self!

Shift Your Weight Set Point (3 Step Plan)

Free to Download Guidebook